Michigan Bull Terrier Rescue
The Bull Terrier Club of Metro Detroit Welfare Committee works to rescue and evaluate Bull Terriers
which have been abandoned in Michigan. Most of our rescue Bull Terriers are referred to us through
shelters and other purebred dog rescue groups.
All dogs go through a 30 day health and evaluation period and are assessed for their reactions to children, cats, and other dogs. All rescue Bull Terriers are brought up to date on inoculations, heartworm tested, and neutered before placement.
Prospective adoptive families are screened to make sure the rescue Bull Terriers will fit into that family's lifestyle and that the family is prepared to take care of this special dog.
Rescue Bull Terriers are placed on a trial basis. When an adoptive family decides to keep a rescue dog, a fee is charged to cover expenses for rescuing, evaluating, and veterinary treatments for their dog.
The Welfare Committee also needs Bull Terrier rescue volunteers who can foster rescue dogs before they are placed. If you might be interested in being a temporary foster home for a rescue Bull Terrier, please contact us.
If you need to find a new home for a Bull Terrier, first contact your dogs' breeder. The Welfare Committee may be able to help with referrals for prospective homes for older dogs, but will not buy dogs from private owners.
If you have questions, please contact Beth McDonald via e-mail: BTCMD Rescue
Links to other English Bull Terrier Rescues...
Blue Ridge Bull Terrier Rescue
Recycla-Bull Terrier Rescue
(Both of these also have FaceBook pages under their names.)
National Rescue
(On FaceBook, National Rescue is: The Rescue Welfare Trust Fund of the Bull Terrier Club of America.)